Early Spring | Forest

Early Spring | Forest

Aurélie, Planner at Small Luxury Events, aims to reflect the beauty of authentic life moments through Design and Decoration. We could not be more happy to make it in the woods, this time ! This intimate "Forest dinner" was decorated with Spring Florals, such as...

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Winter ‘Fragonard’ inspired | Mas de So

Winter ‘Fragonard’ inspired | Mas de So

Bienvenue dans cette délicate atmosphère hivernale...Sapin givré, parsemé de lumière, mini-vases fleuris d'hellébores, anémones et autres joyeuses fleurs de saisons, tantôt massives, tantot légères, sur lits de roses, tulipes et anémones délicatement tissées... Ce...

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Lemon toffee wedding | Mas de So

Lemon toffee wedding | Mas de So

We must admit beautiful moments are part of a florist's experience, but some are just magical to remember, like this lemon toffee shaded wedding at Mas de So... And what about these beautiful florals, like an inside garden, what Morgane loves... Wedding Planner :...

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Hey There, I´m Shirley

Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea.


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Dragée lemon drops sweet roll liquorice ice cream gummi bears jelly-o danish. Chocolate bonbon cake chocolate cake cheesecake tart lemon drops.